The SoundtrackINFO Project


500 Days of Summer soundtrack

500 Days of Summer (2009)
Product detail
Format: CD
UPC: 09362497719
Label: Sire
Label number: 518909
Running time: not on file
Shipping date: July 14th, 2009
Product availability
Click 500 Days of Summer soundtrack CD for more info from The MovieMusic Store.

Album Tracklist
1. A Story Of Boy Meets Girl [1:35]
2.  Us - Regina Spektor [4:48]
3.  There Is A Light That Never Goes Out - The Smiths [4:02]
4.  Bad Kids - The Black Lips [2:08]
5.  Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want - The Smiths [1:51]
...see complete tracklist
Soundtrack Q & A
Q: What is the song Summer is singing in the videoke scene? (from dainereader in manila, philippines)
A: It's Sugar Town. (thanks to Iris, Philippinesadd more info
A: by Nancy Sinatra (thanks to meg Barker, ny, new yorkadd more info

Q: What's the song that Summer is singing in the elevator? (from me in San Francisco)
A: "There Is A Light That Never Goes Out" by The Smiths (thanks to cindy4u, S. Koreaadd more info

Q: What is the short music inserted right after Summer tells Tom she used to be called anal girl in the beginning of the movie? (from Jonathan T  in California)
A: 500 Days of Summer score... (thanks to peyz, Bandung, West Java, Indonesiaadd more info

Q: Can anyone please tell me what the song is called when Tom and Summer are talking on the train face to face and sitting down?? (from Vicky in Ecuador)
A: "Sweet Disposition" by The Temper Trap. Enjoy! (thanks to mani, hyd,indiaadd more info

Q: What is the song playing on day 456-476, when he is drawing all over the blackboard in his apartment, then reading architecture books? (from cam in toronto)
A: "Vagabound" by Wolfmother (thanks to Ari, Miamiadd more info

Q: Does anyone know what song is playing when he is at the party at her house, when he finds out she is engaged and he runs out? (from james in la)
A: "Hero" by Regina Spektor. (thanks to mani, hyd,indiaadd more info

Q: In what part of the movie does "Bookends" by Simon and Garfunkel play? (from Shifra in Milwaukee, WI)
A: After Tom talks to his younger sister at her soccer game. (thanks to melon, PAadd more info

Q: What is the song playing when both of them came out of seminar and Summer was carrying? (from Biggie in Nigeria)
A: The song is "Bookends" by Simon and Garfunkel. (thanks to JasonK, Cumbria, Englandadd more info

Q: What is the song playing before day 456 - 476? (from Biggie in Nigeria)
A: "What a Time It Was" - Simon and Garfunkel (thanks to PeYz, Bandung, West Java, Indonesiaadd more info

Q: What's the song playing when Tom dances in the street with lots of people? (from PARKER in mexico)
A: "You Make My Dreams" - Hall & Oates (thanks to PeYz, Bandung, West Java, Indonesiaadd more info

Q: What song is playing when they on IKEA and Summer asks Tom to race? (from PeYz in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia)
A: "There Goes The Fear" by Doves. (thanks to Jon, Nashville, TN USAadd more info

Q: What is the song that Tom sings in the kareoke scene? Thanks (from Scarlett in Leeds, England)
A: Here Comes Your Man (thanks to stacielee, nigeriaadd more info

Q: What song is playing when Paul visits Tom when they are talking about stalking?
...from lewysg in wales,UK (answer lewysg's question)

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