The SoundtrackINFO Project


Marley & Me soundtrack

Marley & Me (2008)
Product detail
Format: CD
UPC: 78016340532
Label: Lakeshore Records
Label number: 34053
Running time: not on file
Shipping date: December 16th, 2008
Original score by Theodore Shapiro
Product availability
Buy the Marley & Me soundtrack CD today from The MovieMusic Store.

Album Tracklist
1. Parents of Two
2. Off and Running
3. The Hardest Job
4. Walking the Plank
5. Obedience School
...see complete tracklist
Soundtrack Q & A
Q: What's the song playing at the dog beach when he's let off leash? (from deeman in syracuse, ut, usa)
A: It's the song "Lucky Man" by the Verve (thanks to rose2465, Boston, MAadd more info

Q: What REM song is in this movie? (from deb in grass valley, ca)
A: "Shiny Happy People" is the song (thanks to Chuck, Denver, CO, USAadd more info

Q: What is the song playing at the very beginning of this movie? Sounds like a 70's song that I know, but can't think of what it's called. (from dawn in Texas)
A: Hi... it's "Whenever You Call Me (I'll Be There)" by the Spinners (thanks to Anj, Philippinesadd more info

Q: What's the song playing in the first part of the movie and has that jazzy/funky motive? (from deema in toronto)
A: "Cantaloop (Flip Fantasia)" (thanks to hulk, México Cityadd more info

Q: What's the song playing at the 36 minute mark? Thanks. (from D10S in lima peru)
A: There is no song, bro. (thanks to aaron, dublin, irelandadd more info
A: There is a song and it's called "I Only Wanna Be" by Hootie and the Blowfish (thanks to Bender, Goodsoil, Sask, Canadaadd more info

Q: What's the trailer song for this film? It goes something like "...hand in hand and dream of the beautiful things the beautiful things..." (from animalrage in Kent, UK)
A: It's Timmy Curran with "Lonely" (thanks to gedankenstrich, Germanyadd more info

Q: What song is playing when he buries Marley? (from danny in west milford new jersey)
A: The name of the track is "It All Runs Together" by Theodore Shapiro. It's amazing and beautiful. The tears just started flowing. (thanks to SCY385, Georgiaadd more info

Q: What is the Neil Diamond song in this movie?
...from Fish in South Williamsport, PA USA (answer Fish's question)

Q: Who performs the cover of Nirvana's song "Lithium" in the film?? (from david in liverpool)
A: It's by Bruce Lash. (thanks to proptart, caliadd more info

Q: What's the song playing at the beginning just after Jenny and John are married? (from emma Griffith in london)
A: The song is called "Shiny Happy People" performed by R.E.M (thanks to Bender, Goodsoil,Sask, Canadaadd more info

Q: What song is playing at the very end of the movie? Need to know. I love it. (from Heather in humboldt county, ca)
A: "Heading Home" by Theodore Shapiro (thanks to werdnanage, san jose, ca, usaadd more info
A: "Heading Home" my friend. (thanks to boyet, manilaadd more info

Q: What song is playing when Marley's running away with Jennifer Aniston's bra? (from koRngear in Dhaka)
A: The song is called "Rockin The Suburbs" performed by Ben Folds Five (thanks to Bender, Goodsoil,Sask, Canadaadd more info

Q: Who sings the jazz song in the movie, and what's it called? All the info on the jazz song, please....
...from nelly in phila (answer nelly's question)

Q: What is the song in the movie with the repeated lyric "happiness"? (from KristyMN in Toronto, On)
A: "Lucky Man" by the Verve (thanks to Jordon, Ontario Canadaadd more info

Q: What is the song playing at minute 1:30?
...from arturo in puebla mexico (answer arturo's question)

Q: What is the song with the lyrics "...where we where we, used to stand hand in hand and dream of the beautiful things..."? (from octaruizpe in Spain)
A: Paul McCartney's "We All Stand Together" (thanks to Sara, Ohioadd more info

Q: What is the song playing at minute 1:01?
...from Alis in Colombia (answer Alis's question)

Q: What's the song playing at the 38 minute spot? Jazz and funk...
...from Daniel Átila Barbosa in Fortaleza, Ce, Brasil (answer Daniel Átila Barbosa's question)

Q: What's the DVD main menu song?
...from rawrzi in sd, california (answer rawrzi's question)

Q: What song is playing in the overhead view of Boca? (from stef in brazil)
A: It's Bruce Lash's cover version of "Lithium". (thanks to Deux, Germanyadd more info

Q: What song is playing when Marley runs through the door and jumps over the fence when he is a puppy? (from alex in UK)
A: Ben Folds - Myspace Gig - Rockin' the Suburbs (thanks to Ilze, Englandadd more info

Q: What's the instrumental song with the guitar?
...from mello jello  in Ca (answer mello jello 's question)

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