The SoundtrackINFO Project


Me, Myself & Irene soundtrack

Me, Myself & Irene (2000)
Product detail
Format: CD
UPC: 07559625122
Label: Elektra
Label number: 62512
Running time: 56m12s
Shipping date: June 13th, 2000
Product availability
Click Me, Myself & Irene soundtrack CD for more info from The MovieMusic Store.

Album Tracklist
1.  Breakout - Foo Fighters [3:21]
2.  Do It Again - Smash Mouth [3:57]
3.  Deep Inside Of You - Third Eye Blind [4:10]
4.  Totalimmortal - The Offspring [2:50]
5.  The World Ain't Slowin' Down - Ellis Paul [4:48]
...see complete tracklist
Music from the movie not on this soundtrack CD
Don't Say You Don't Remember - Sally Taylor
Fire Like This - Hardknox

Add more missing songs to this list, or tell us in what scenes these songs are heard or where they can be found.
Soundtrack Q & A
Q: What is the song playing when hank is doing all those misdeeds? You know, when he crashes his car into that barbershop or poops on the neighbor's lawn.... (from Mr.Happy in Tx)
A: It's called "Fire Like This" possibly by Hardknox? (thanks to jakeup, nyadd more info
A: It is definitely "Fire Like This." I just looked it up. (thanks to Hockey1288, Flint, Michigan, U.S.add more info
A: "Hem of Your Garment" by Cake (thanks to nick, nyadd more info
A: Yeah it's Cake. I knew the first time I heard his voice. (thanks to Ryan, Pittsburgh, PAadd more info

Q: In the scene when "Hank" is drowning the little girl, there is a song in the background. What is the name of it? (from Patrik in Sweden)
A: "Hem of Your Garment" by Cake (thanks to Applegate, Taiwanadd more info

Q: What song is playing when Hank and Irene drive and Irene is holding a dart? (from adam in Warsaw, Poland)
A: The song is called "Motherf*****" by Dwarves. (thanks to Little, Dayton,Ohio,USadd more info

Q: What is the name of the song playing when he goes from good to bad, like when the man flickes the cigarette on the floor? (from bo jangles in miami, florida, united states)
A: "Fire Like This" by Hardknox (thanks to jed/tasha, oregonadd more info

Q: What's the name of the song/singer playing on the television when Jim Carrey and his sons sit and watch together? The same song is in Forrest Gump when the actress played on the stage with a naked body. (from shadique shah in bangalore,karnataka, India)
A: Joan Baez and the song is "Blowin' in the Wind" (thanks to Felipe Cepinho, lauderhill, florida ( brasil )add more info
A: Joan was a famous folk singer in the 60 & 70s. She has quite a few hits. (thanks to leica, USA, all the way.add more info

Q: What is the song playing when Jim Carrey picks a fight with the kid in the restaurant? (from Abhijeet in INDIA)
A: The song is called "Breakout" by Foo Fighters (thanks to Little, Dayton,Ohio,USadd more info

Q: What is the name of the rap song playing at the end of the movie when Charlie's kids pick him up in the helicopter? (from Mike in Anchorage)
A: Jimmy Luxury and "Love Me Cha Cha" (thanks to Martin, Berlin, Germanyadd more info

Q: What is the song playing when they are in the car and Hank is going mental yelling out "motherf****er!"? (from derek in melb vic australia)
A: The song is called "Motherf*****" by Dwarves. (thanks to Little, Dayton,Ohio,USadd more info

Q: What is the name of the rap song playing when one of the kids is hacking the FBI site and talking about Yale? (from Mauro in Chile)
A: "I Love Life" by Jimmy Luxury (thanks to Martin, Berlin, Germanyadd more info

Q: What is the name of the smooth jazz rap song playing in the background when the youngest son of Charlie is getting help with his homework about protons and neutrons? (from Little in Dayton,Ohio,US)
A: "Sentimental Guy" by Jimmy Luxury (thanks to Martin, Berlin, Germanyadd more info

Q: What song is playing in the health restaurant when Hank breaks down and starts crying?? (from joey in jozi)
A: Beverly Bremers and "Don't Say You Don't Remember" (thanks to ebony2112, detroitadd more info
A: The song is "Don't Say You Don't Remember" but it's definitely NOT the Beverly Bremer's version. I like this remake better, actually. (thanks to Marc, Peyton, CO USAadd more info

Q: What is the song playing when Jim Carrey takes Irene to the police station on a police bike? (from nipun in Bangladesh)
A: Isn't that "Here Comes Your Man" by the Pixies? I don't have movie movie anymore, but this is what I remember. (thanks to ted, Houston, TXadd more info

Q: What is the name of the song playing in the end credits? I know it is a re-make from the 50s or 60s, and part of the lyrics are "...don't say you don't remember, I'll never love anyone else..." (from SilverFarr in rosedale, ca)
A: Beverly Bremer's "Don't Say You Don't Remember" from 1971. (thanks to Ben, Liverpool, Englandadd more info
A: It's NOT Beverly Bremer's version. (thanks to Marc, Peyton, CO USAadd more info
A: This should help: This version of "Don't Say You Don't Remember" is performed by Sally Taylor (daughter of James Taylor and Carly Simon) and Chris Soucy (guitar). I don't know if this version has ever been released, I've been unable to find it. (thanks to Marc, Peyton, CO USAadd more info

Q: What's the song playing at the end when his three sons are pulling him up in the helicopter?  (from Alucard in Pennsylvania)
A: It's Jimmy Luxury - "Cha Cha Cha" (thanks to SCOTTYBOI, KENT, ENGLANDadd more info
A: That's the song, but a different person is rapping and the lyrics are different, right? (thanks to matt, Teaneck , nj , U.S.Aadd more info
A: "Love Me Cha Cha" from Jimmy Luxury (thanks to matt, teaneck , nj , U.S.A.add more info

Q: What is the song playing near the beginning when Charlie and Layla are kissing and it says 18 YEARS EARLIER? The lyrics are like "It's a first kiss... Gonna get that feeling back tonight". THANKS!! (from Kody in California)
A: Maybe "Happy Feeling" by Billy Valentine... (thanks to c_knewt, WIadd more info
A: It's "Alright" by Bret Reilly! I spent hours finding it.... (thanks to Matthew Kaz, Seattle, Wa, USAadd more info

Q: What's the song playing when Charle first flips out in the store with the lady? (from mike in La Porte, Texas )
A: "Fire Like This" by Hardknox (thanks to buffalo bill, Newcastle, ukadd more info

Q: What is the song playing towards the end of the movie when Charlie's kids are flying the airplane towing the banner that reads "Will You Marry Me, Bitch?" ? (from Bare Ants in Camano Island, WA)
A: The song is called "The World Ain't Slowin' Down" by Ellis Paul. (thanks to Little, Dayton,Ohio,USAadd more info

Q: What is the song playing when Charlie's newspaper has gone then he gets on his bike? (from hogan in lincoln)
A: "I'd Like That" performed by XTC (thanks to zaidi, malaysiaadd more info

Q: What's the song playing when Charly is knocked out by the corrupt detective then Hank gets up and throws sand in Irene's eyes? (from Jimbob in Ireland)
A: The song is called "Bodhisattva" by Brian Setzer Orchestra. (thanks to Little, Dayton,Ohio,USAadd more info

Q: What's the song playing when Charlie's wife dumps him over the midget and he looks sad when the camera is going towards him? (from Little in Dayton,Ohio,USA)
A: "Where He Can Hide" by Tom Wolfe (thanks to xray, Bloomfield, NJadd more info

Q: What song is playing when the movie ends? (from Vikky in Kharagpur, India)
A: "The World Ain't Slowin' Down" by Ellis Paul is the song playing right before the credits start to roll. The next song is "Do It Again" performed by Smash Mouth and the final song of the film is "Totalimmortal" performed by The Offspring. (thanks to xray, Bloomfield, NJadd more info

Q: What's the song/artist at the beginning of the movie? (from mike in tallahassee fla)
A: "Highway Patrol" performed by Junior Brown (thanks to xray, Bloomfield, NJadd more info

Q: This song plays near the begining, I think right as he is walking out of the grocery store. The lyrics go "...high really high like a really really high thing..." What is this song? (from Nick in Beaumont, Tx)
A: "I'd Like That" performed by XTC. (thanks to xray, Bloomfield, NJadd more info

Q: What is the song playing when Charlie is on the bike driving across the country with Irene, moments before they find the cow lying on the road? I don't think it's "Here Comes Your Man" by the Pixies. (from johnny jujo in adelaide)
A: "The World Ain't Slowin' Down" performed by Paul Ellis (thanks to xray, Bloomfield, NJadd more info
A: No... it's "The World Ain't Slowing Down" Great tune (thanks to Drew, UKadd more info

Q: What's the song playing when they push the car in the water?
...from Smoke in Paso Robles CA USA (answer Smoke's question)

Q: What's the correct name of the song with the lyrics "...I can't find the time to tell you..."? (from Deb in Illinois)
A: "I Can't Find the Time To Tell You" by Hootie & the Blowfish (thanks to smoke, paso robles calfornia USAadd more info

Q: What song is playing when Charlie and Hank fight in front of the train station?
...from Mike in PA (answer Mike's question)

Q: What's the song playing at the end when Irene is driving the car, but before the ppliceman arrest her ? (from khonikho in egypt , cairo )
A: The song is "The World Ain't Slowin' Down" by Ellis Paul. (thanks to msnighthawk , jabalpur,m.p,indiaadd more info

Q: What song is playing when Charlie's with Laila at the picnic?
...from Raymond in Mexico City (answer Raymond's question)

Q: What is the song playing in the love scene in the motel when Charley shows to Irene his family photos? This is instrumental music, with no words.
...from My english very bad in Ukraine (answer My english very bad's question)

Q: What song is playing when Hank is crying in front of the diner after insulting Whitey?
...from Chris in pennsylvania (answer Chris's question)

Q: Who sings the song playing on the radio when Irene and Charlie are driving in the car right after Charlie/Hank gets beaten up by the baseball guys? It starts " and I are two of a kind..." (from mo in PA)
A: It is called "Just Another" by Pete Yorn (thanks to LW, USAadd more info

Q: Is "Reelin' in the Years" actually in the movie at all? I see that it's on the soundtrack but it's not listed in the credits.
...from Sarah in PA (answer Sarah's question)

Q: What is the song playing at the end of the trailer?
...from poncho in aguascalientes,mexico (answer poncho's question)

Q: What's that song playing when Hank sees his kids flying away in their homemade glider?
...from small boy in philippines (answer small boy's question)

Q: What song is playing after Hank takes a sh** on the guy's lawn, and the colonel is told there's something wrong with Charlie?
...from Nick in United Kingdom (answer Nick's question)

Q: What is the name of the song and performer of the song with the lyrics "...from my nose to the tip of my toes..."? Thanks, Dan
...from Dan in Gardner, MA (answer Dan's question)

Q: What song is playing when Charlie and Irene starts to run to catch the train?
...from Seyda in Istanbul, Turkey (answer Seyda's question)

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• Correct errors listed above (incorrect tracklistings, product codes, typos, etc).