The SoundtrackINFO Project

Michael Small
Soundtrack CDs featuring music by Michael Small (sort list by letter or year)
Wagons East! soundtrack (1994)
Consenting Adults soundtrack (1992)
Mobsters soundtrack (1991)
Mountains of the Moon soundtrack (1990)
Black Widow soundtrack (1987)
Jaws The Revenge soundtrack (1987)
Kidco soundtrack (1984)
The Postman Always Rings Twice soundtrack (1981)
The China Syndrome (unused score) soundtrack (1979)
Comes a Horseman soundtrack (1978)
Audrey Rose soundtrack (1977)
Child's Play / First Born
The Driver / The Star Chamber / Black Widow
The Driver / The Star Chamber
Klute / All the President's Men
Marathon Man / The Parallax View
Sax and Violence Music from the Dark Side of the Screen