What song is playing when they arrive in Las Vegas? Sandra Bullock is in the Jeep with the police cop and the bodyguard assigned to her. I think they were in the car heading to the hotel. ...from TriXtiX in USA (answer TriXtiX's question)
When they are coming out of the gas station bathroom as FBI agents, what is the song playing? ...from help in chicago il (answer help's question)
What is the track playing at the end of the movie? Second song during the closing credits? (after Bad Mama Jama). It also plays early in the movie but not complete. Instrumental. ...from jarvie in Akron, Ohio USA (answer jarvie's question)
What song is playing when Gracie is being told by the Las Vegas director that he called the Director of Bureau and she is told to get on a flight to leave? It is an instrumental piano piece. ...from baby mama in NE (answer baby mama's question)